Melissa's Manny/PAS-JL Page

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Honey, is that your eighteen hour? -Alene

OMG! Did I remember to put that condom in my wallet? -Krissy

Please don't let my mother barge in now! -kel88

I can't think--all the blood is gone from my head, I can't even work my thumbs...

I can't believe I actually have her sweater off! -Ruth


Okay Michelle... I'll do it for you! -Pat

Danny: I'm finally getting some nookie and I can't remember if I am wearing the underwear without the holes... -Marilyn

Wow. How does she manage to make my socks roll up and down just by kissing my cheek? -1lucia

Ummm, do you think you could ever forgive me for introducing you to my insane family? -Lisa

Well it's about Bloody Time! -Beth

I wonder if Abuela used all the whipped cream again? -Casey

Wanna fool around when we get home? -Alene

Danny's thinking: Gee, her hair smells terrific - I wonder what she uses?
Michelle's musing: Would he know I think he's hot if I were to turn ever so slightly and slip him the tongue

Michelle: How much longer do I have to endure Morticia tonight?
Danny: Can I help you with that lotion tonight?

I'll light the candles, you go get the ice cream... -Terri

Danny: Let's hurry up and get out of here!
Michelle: I'm ready to make love!

Danny: I have got to stop getting this close to her
Michelle: I have got to stop letting him get this close to me

Danny: What the hey did they spray on her hair... feels like Super glue!
Michelle: I'm gonna wash that Man right outta my hair

Danny to Michelle: I got a cordless drill at Casa Santos, you want to go back and play?
Michelle: Leave it to a man to be thinking about tools at a time like this

Danny: Wanna go home and see my Pokeman card collection?
Michelle: He can make anything sound sexy "Let's go!"


Danny: Michelle, will you quite being so honest? A few lies never hurt anyone, I Promise!
Michelle: But Danny, honesty is the Bauer way. BTW, quit saying "I promise", it aggravates me!

Michelle: So Mama Carmen let you off her leash?
Danny: Instead of being smart with the free time... let's go do something... constructive

Danny: Again? Okay I'll meet you in the closet in five minutes
Michelle: No two minutes

Did you see the way I left Mother standing there with her mouth open?? -Alene

They just saw Drew pass by and Michelle said to Danny "Did you hear about Drew finding God? He was hidden in the back of the Millenium supply closet behind the empty whiskey cases and Drew's stash of sequinced halter tops" -Krissy

Michelle tells Danny that his mother is being persued romantically by Hawk Shayne -kel88

"PR is giving us an actual sex scene? That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard..." -Terri

This is hysterical. Mama telling us she loves you like a daughter!!! -Ruth

Michelle to Danny: Drew has decided to take a vow of lip stillness. She promises to atone for her sins against us by shutting her mouth -Loni

What... Pilar and Drew are taking their religious experiences on the road... and calling themselves "The Sister Act"? -Pat

Danny has just learned that Drew has taken a vow of silence -Marilyn

They just decided to go get an ice cream sundae after hearing that David (afer losing his job as super cop) has started workinig for Les down at the ice cream shop. "Won't Vicki be impressed when she gets back to town!" -1lucia

Jesse left Drew to be with Te-ray-sa and Drew has broken every glass in Millenium shrieking! -Lisa

Danny: (breathless from laughing)... Get this... Drew took up a vow of silence... and Mama says she's going to see... Cats!... THEN... Pilar announces that she's gonna be a nun! (table laughs and Michelle thinks to herself) Well.... he looks sexy when he's mad, he looks sexy when he's being sincere, he looks sexy when he's laughing... Damn The Man's just sexy... Wonder how long it will take me to get him to shut up about his family, and get him home?... -Beth

No Mama, of course that's not funny.... Michelle, knock it off -Casey

Pink? I thought it was something blue??? - Casey

Ok, let me get this straight, your best friends name is Drew and she's now dating your ex-lover Jesse. It's a good think I'm here for you, with friends like that you don't need enemies -Lisa

Oh---man Oh---Please??? - Terri

Danny: How many buttons does this dress have?
Michelle: Can't we just work around them?
- Tigger

Danny: If only I could get out of this monkey suit that fast -Marilyn

Danny: Michelle, are you sure you know how to tie this damned thing? - Pat

I know... I know I should be angry with you for killing my brother, my blood - but all I can think about is wrapping my arms around you and never letting go. All I can think about is pressing my lips against yours and having you pull my head down closer to you. All I can think about is how much I adore you in pink - please don't ever wear another colour! -Krissy

Danny thinking: It must be really cold in here -tinkerbellGL

Michelle thinking: He kisses alot better than Jesse
Danny thinking: It is getting hotter in here or is it just me?

Whoa! I am getting what I want! -Alene

See I told you they'd fit! -Casey

Danny to Michelle: If you would relax, I could make this so good for the both of us! Well, especially me since I've had to wait an enternity to get close to you -Lisa

Well... yeah I DO work out sometimes... when I'm not exporting 'contra ban', selling illegal goods, lusting after you... Did I tell you how beautiful you look?... I did? Did I tell you... ah... -Terri

Michelle: My favourite pink sweater... Danny: I promise to buy you another one later... -Tigger

Danny: You know, we can make this a night to remember
Michelle: He looks pretty good out of those gangster clothes. Maybe this won't be so bad

Michelle says: Danny, are you sure this is what your doctor said to do for your bursitis?
Danny says: Of course, Sweetie... would I lie to you?

Michelle is thinking: OMG! I cannot take my eyes off of his chest. I want him - I don't want him! I want to bite him, suck him, kiss him, lick him. I don't want to touch him! I want to nibble on his ears and massage his back and buttocks and feel those fine, muscular arms wrap around me like a second skin. I hate him! I want out of here!
Danny is saying to her: Now look Michelle, we really need to make this appear real or Jesse won't buy it for a moment - he knows you - he can tell if you want me or not... God did I tell you how totally hot you are in that camisole? And it's pink - that is such a turn-on! Michelle responds: Jes... Jesse? Jesse who?

Michelle thinking: Oh god... that chest -tinkerbellGL

Danny: I feel like a little kid about to open a new present - woo hoo! -tweet

This will be good, I promise you -Alene

I wonder is she hit her head on the headboard last night?? -Casey

Danny: OMG, I can't believe she's touching me!! Michelle: Mmmmmm, he smells so good! -Lisa

I thought you liked the grey tank top? -Terri

Danny: Get out Mama, NOW Michelle: He's all MINE, hehe -Tigger

Danny: I think she is starting to like me
Michelle: If he moves his hand any closer I am going to break his fingers

Danny: Michelle, what are you smiling at? Don't tell me... you hate my grey undershirt!
Michelle: Oh no, Babe... I love it!!! I was just thinking about home-made ice cream!

Danny is wondering: What is she thinking? I wish she would just talk to me
And Michelle is thinking: OMG! This has got to be the ugliest tank top in the world. Should I tell him, or should I make it disappear as mysteriously as Abuela and Dietz have?

Danny thinking: I can't believe she's not as exhausted as I am after last night -tinkerbellGL

Michelle: He looks sexy today, but that's everyday
Danny: I am too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my clothes, I guess I should just take them off

Made it to first base! -Alene

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